bet's adventure through a viewfinder.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


A break from my crappy photos.
Found a birthday card dated back to 1991.
Unbelievably accurate.


Monday, August 25, 2008

In Bruges

A small town in Belgium. A medieval town.. with 4 windmills at the outskirt of the town.

The Market in Bruges.

By day and by night. Crooked with no tripod.

Street pics of a town where one can close the tour guide and just enjoy the environment.

Canals run through the town. A certain tranquility comes with water.

A statue. Bruges Statue.

A more famous statue. Madonna by Michelangelo, inside Our Lady's Church.

In Bruges.. in Bruges. Transport me back to Bruges.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Brussels, Belgium

Seems so long ago but in reality it has just been a bit more than a month. This is Brussels.. the first stop of my first trip by myself, and certainly it won't be my last, if I can help it. It was painful to make my way from the north train station to the hostel.. Despite the google map printed, I still got lost for about 10 minutes, in hot weather (at least 28 degrees that day) and with somewhat heavy luggage. Anyone who knows me would know I am directionally challenged.

My first stop: The Grand'Place, or Grote Markt, or Market Square. Breath-taking!

Streets around the Market Square.. lots of chocolate shops and tourist traps.

The Saint Hubertus Gallery nearby.

Also close to the market is the Stock Exchange Centre.

Chinatown? An area with a lot of Asian shops and restaurants.. Felt right at home.

Some street pics.. a blend of modern and historical? A yellow streetcar.

Some bad pics of the Palace of Justice. It's HUGE.

Capital of €urope? =\ This is outside the parliament.

Random park..

Time for churches! The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula.

Saint Catherine's Church.

Lastly, also my last stop in Brussels - the Atomium! It was the site of Expo '58.

What I liked best about Brussels: Grote Markt, chocolate, beer, waffles, mussels, and amazing street musicians.
What I liked least about Brussels: Random guys who'll just start talking to you on the streets. Lesson learned: avoid eye contact and keep walking!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


我不難過 - 孫燕姿

又站在你家的門口 我們重復沉默 
這樣子單方面的守候 還能多久
雖然你還握著我的手 但我已不在你心中

我真的懂 你不是喜新厭舊 
是我沒有 陪在你身邊 當你寂寞時候
別再看著我 說著你愛過 別太傷痛 
我不難過 這不算什麼
只是為什麼眼淚會流 我也不懂

就讓我走 讓我開始享受自由 
回憶很多 你的影子也會充滿我生活
我並不懦弱 你比誰都懂 
雖然寂寞 這會是我 最後的寬容

抱緊我 再抱緊我 這一份感動 請你讓我留在胸口
別再說是你的錯 愛到了盡頭 是非對錯 就讓它隨風
忘了所有 過得比你快活

不要再說 或許這是最好結果 
現在分手 總好過你不愛我一拖再拖
鬆開你的手 離開你左右 
我向前走 這會是我 成長的解脫