bet's adventure through a viewfinder.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Procrastinate [proh-kras-tuh-neyt]

To defer action; delay.
To put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
To postpone or delay needlessly.
To postpone doing what one should be doing.

Definitions courtesy of They're pretty amazing, as they even gave me translations into 20+ other languages. Learnt a new Japanese phrase through procrastinating: ぐずぐずする

However, my definition is as follows: The art of wasting time, commonly occurring on Thursday nights.

Perhaps they will give me motivation to start working like I should..

Top: (The Other) Big Miffy, Vancouver, December 2007.

Bottom: Greenie, Ottawa, September 2007.

Sometimes I don't know why I like watching TV so much.. why I get so easily drawn into stories of others. Drawn into their emotions, their moments, their cleverly constructed lines. Cleverly constructed lines that I wish I can come up with. But I was thinking today, that perhaps, if my life was to be made into a 20-episode TV show, it might be just as interesting.. . a 20 hour "high-light" of all the dramatic episodes.. with the right background music and theme songs.. and of course, with all procrastination scenes deleted.

Clearly procrastinating too much here.

And clearly still drawn to the series Taiwanese series "Sweet Relationship"... .. despite a slow pace ending.. but definitely some darn nice songs in it. Made me think of Meteor Garden again.. so many years ago..

Joanna Wang has a nice voice.
迷宮- 王若琳


Anonymous said...

metero garden......yeah....long time ago.......

miss you ar idol.....

lslo said...

i agree... it really is an art, procrastinating.

hm... i'm not entirely convinced greenie is working there. maybe she's looking busy for the picture.

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