These other shots I find nice certainly makes Lawrence look like a photo-journalist.. don't they? (at least the first 2 of this series) :)

Viewpoint from Highway 97, Summerland, Okanagan.

Left: Little Straws Vineyards, Westbank, Okanagan.
Right: Thornhaven Vineyards, Summerland, Okanagan.
So, as most people would ask after trilogies, which part of the Wine is Life trilogy is the best?
My answer to that is: the wines. :p
hey di-nic-sion! good pictures and nice weather!
I like the 4th row, middle picture from "Mission Hill Family Estate Winery, Westbank, Okanagan Valley, August 2007."
btw, bought 2 new lens..hehee...let's come out to take pic! =D
btw...u haven't posted the "green x" photo yet!
haha thank you jetsy for dropping by! mission hill was cool~
wa bought 2 new lens tim ar? ho wor let's go out for photoshoot someday :p will your photos be all out-fo ga since you spinning around.. ~.~
what is green x photo ar? @_@' last comment was not saved...
out-of-focus -> will the next style of my pictures...ha ha...very artistic =p
a photo with green "cross" -> is the result of your lab work ah...ha ha ha....i thought it looks like a cross.....doesn't it...???
Haha, I just discovered your blog through Lawrence's blog. It's funny seeing Lawrence "through your eyes". I must admit it's a little different than the Lawrence through my eyes. (He looks happier in your pictures, because you're shooting him). I love your pictures. First time checking them out, I realized. And I must say you seem to use the D50 amazingly! Your shots are very personal ah.
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