bet's adventure through a viewfinder.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Can’t get enough of this.

It always amazes me how fast the sun seems to sneak away.. how one cannot capture the moment, or hold onto it.. yet we can count on it to return, never the same, but always beautiful.


I will miss this.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Approximately 4 years ago I created this space. Since then my efforts have dwindled.. with the first 2 years having 13 posts each, quickly dropping down to 4 posts in 2009, then 1 single post in 2010. Certainly there are always reasons and excuses that I can pull up. But in reality, in reality.. why is it always so hard to maintain a passion? Why is it that one can do so much in the beginning, then let things dwindle down? Is it because with time, we get used to it, and familiarity eases out motivation? It's too easy to fall back into our comfort zone, to stop putting out extra effort. Is this what we're all about? To try to survive in minimal effort mode without falling under and suffocating?

Somehow, somewhere along the way, things change without us noticing, including ourselves, for better or for worse. Yet nature remains timeless. Here I am, greeted by nature's miraculous rays upon my return to Ottawa.











The colors look almost too vibrant.. I did NOT do any post-processing besides from batch resize in iPhoto. As usual the battle between landscape mode and portrait mode continues..